Looking back, 2024’s had its ups, downs, and everything in between. It definitely threw its share of challenges our way, but we’re all the better for it. Join us for Allcorrect’s Year in Review, as Denis, Igor, Evgeny, Marina, and Aleksandra talk about our milestones, the state of the industry, and what’s yet to come!

What was 2024 like for the industry, in your opinion? What trends do you think will continue in 2025?
- Denis Khamin, Co-founder
Layoffs have carried over into 2024. While the overall market is growing and there are some success stories for many game studios, the major ones are facing either tough choices or staff cuts, or even both. Many more studios still find themselves leaning on AI to cut costs—often by so much as 20%, and I think we’ll continue to see companies exploring and applying AI solutions wherever they can.
- Igor Sheinikov, Managing Director
If we’re talking about the gaming industry, 2024 was a challenging year, especially for mobile projects. But the number of PC and console games has grown, and in my opinion, they’ve become more engaging. The quality of projects requiring outsourcing has also soared, becoming much more sophisticated and mature.
The localization industry is adapting to the use of AI tools, but for now, the impact remains more on the informational front. On the ground, it hasn’t significantly affected the numbers yet. Art, however, is coming to life alongside the projects.
- Evgeny Putilin, Studio Art Director
Currently, many market players are somewhat cautiously optimistic, and you could really see this at this year’s gamescom in Germany. I think we can expect some growth in the industry in 2025.
- Marina Turkina, Head of Localization Production
It’s been an interesting year, with artificial intelligence seeping into so many areas—let’s see where it manages to take hold. I can only assume there’s going to be more opportunities to apply AI next year.
- Aleksandra Efremenko, Marketing Director
The industry’s still weathering some heavy storms, with production costs climbing and studios trying hard to stay in the black. Still, I think this year has given us our share of successful projects, industry events and milestones, and growth. I would expect this momentum to continue in the coming year, and this goes double for the use of AI.
What were the most significant achievements or milestones for the company over the past year?
- Denis Khamin, Co-founder
Integrating AI and improving our art revenue.
- Igor Sheinikov, Managing Director
Art has hit its stride and is set to show nearly triple-digit growth in revenue and team size by the end of the year. It’s been a while since we’ve seen numbers like these. We’ve fully settled in Serbia, hired our first Serbian employees, secured all possible benefits, and moved into a new, even cozier office—complete with a barbecue (roštilj) and friendly neighborhood cats who drop by sometimes.
- Evgeny Putilin, Studio Art Director
The biggest highlight for me has got to be the growth of our art department, of course. We’ve seen a 44% increase in quarter-on-quarter revenue, monthly revenue had tripled from December 2023, and yearly revenue in 2024 had nearly quadrupled.
- Marina Turkina, Head of Localization Production
We’ve recruited a lot of new talent, all with fresh ideas and unique experience. I believe we’re set to unlock some exciting potential next year.
- Aleksandra Efremenko, Marketing Director
Delivering on the trust our clients place in us—I’d say this is what we’re proud of. Our game art has grown significantly this year, and more top industry players are turning to us. Joining the Serbian Games Association and participating in gamescom as part of their delegation was another pretty big step forward for us too.

What professional moment from 2024 stands out the most to you?
- Denis Khamin, Co-founder
Our delegation went to gamescom as part of the Serbian Games Association (SGA).
- Igor Sheinikov, Managing Director
Having a booth with the Serbian Games Association at gamescom 2024. It was especially significant for me personally, as I injured my back during the trip, and without the booth, I wouldn’t have been able to keep up my usual pace for conferences like these (80+ meetings in just three days).
- Evgeny Putilin, Studio Art Director
I’ve recently gone over an internal art team report from January 2024 where we set out our strategic goals for the year. Now that we’re at the end of the year, it’s rewarding to see how far we’ve come—we’ve hit all of those targets. Beyond growing our revenue, we’ve also successfully launched the 3D direction, diversified our clients’ portfolio, and strengthened our internal processes.
- Marina Turkina, Head of Localization Production
We’ve had this internal project sitting in our backlog for a few years, but we never got around to it. It’s finally up and running now, and it turns out it wasn’t as difficult as we thought. :)
- Aleksandra Efremenko, Marketing Director
One of our biggest undertakings this year was going to gamescom. It took a lot of effort and hard work, but we’ve been able to accomplish much after the conference. I’d say it’s the first time we had such a presence at one of the largest gaming conferences in the world.

Working on what projects in 2024 are you proud of?
- Denis Khamin, Co-founder
- Igor Sheinikov, Managing Director
There are a lot of projects from 2024 that I can’t name yet, either because of NDA restrictions or simply because they’re still unreleased. Some of these are highly anticipated by millions of players who have been waiting for years. Among the ones we can mention, I’m a big fan of the projects from smaller studios or with educational content, such as Asfalia by Funtomata. I met Jean-Gobert De Coster three years ago at gamescom and have been following this project ever since.
I’m also eagerly awaiting the release of Eriksholm: The Stolen Dream from our wonderful partner, Nordcurrent.
And, of course, the amazing blockbusters from Focus Entertainment, including this year’s Warhammer 40,000: Space Marine 2. Every time I meet Focus team, which I try to do several times a year, I’m inspired by their energy and meticulous attention to detail.
- Evgeny Putilin, Studio Art Director
I wouldn’t call it a project, but one thing I’m especially proud of this year is how much our art team has grown professionally. Sometimes it feels like there’s no challenge we can’t tackle together.
- Marina Turkina, Head of Localization Production
- Aleksandra Efremenko, Marketing Director
Hands down, this one goes to our large-scale localization projects. Warhammer: Space Marine 2, Atomic Heart, Banishers, F1 24—just to name a few.
On the art side, one project that really stands out is the work we did for Bandai—those are some truly amazing fantasy concepts I’m proud of. This direction is pretty new for us still, with many NDAs in effect, so I can’t share the details just yet. Safe to say, we’re gearing up for an even more exciting lineup next year.

Is there any word or phrase that best sums up this year for you?
- Denis Khamin, Co-founder
It has been an AI-interesting year.
- Igor Sheinikov, Managing Director
You have to run as fast as you can just to stay in place, and if you want to get somewhere, you have to run at least twice as fast.
- Evgeny Putilin, Studio Art Director
Year 2024 has been a qualitative leap for the company. We’ve gone from being purely a localization company to a much more diverse player in the co-development space.
- Marina Turkina, Head of Localization Production
Controlled chaos. :)
- Aleksandra Efremenko, Marketing Director
It was a good game!