Allcorrect at Casual Connect London | Allcorrect Games
Allcorrect at Casual Connect London

Allcorrect Group’s development manager Irina Feshenko will attend the Casual Connect conference in London on May 29–31. She’s eager to tell you all about our research into ROI in the localization field and give you advice on bringing games to new markets. To schedule a meeting with Irina, use Pitch&Match or send a request to

Allcorrect is a gaming service company. We help game developers free their time from routine processes in order to focus on key tasks. We provide professional game localizations into 40+ languages and create game art of all levels of complexity. Also, we offer localization testing, voice-over, and culturalization adaption of in-game content. Our team adores games and complex projects. We’re incredibly proud of our clients, including both world-renowned AAA developers and indie companies that have successfully entered the international market.